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Thursday 18 February 2016

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Natural Arthritis Remedies: Is It Good For Arthritis Pain

These days, it seems as though everyone is on some type of medication. Doctors prescribe drugs for any ailment no matter how large or small. Arthritis sufferers often depend on medication to relieve pain, but there are many natural arthritis remedies available if you do a little research. Common natural arthritis remedies include exercise, dietary supplements, and meditation. These natural arthritis remedies help manage the pain and stiffness caused by arthritis; they also improve your quality of life and set you on the road to long-term good health.

Although many people with arthritis shy away from exercise, it is an important part of any treatment plan. Exercise provides more benefits than most other natural arthritis remedies. It increases mobility and range of motion, stabilizes joints, increases balance, strengthens muscles, supports your cardiovascular system, and boosts happiness. You should consult your doctor before starting a new exercise plan, however, as exercise might be detrimental to people with certain types of arthritis. People with rheumatoid arthritis, for example, should not perform any sort of endurance exercise. In general, stick to low-impact exercises that are gentle on your joints. Yoga, tai chi, walking, and swimming are all great exercises and good natural arthritis remedies.

Extreme Flex supplements are widely available these days. Natural arthritis remedies such as MSM, chondroitin, glucosamine, and fish oil relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and support joint health. You should not expect immediate results with any of these natural arthritis remedies, but they can relieve arthritis symptoms over time. Each provides different benefits. MSM relieves inflammation and might cure some types of arthritis according to recent studies. Glucosamine and chondroitin are most often combined for maximum effect. Chondroitin prevents or slows the breakdown of joint cartilage, while glucosamine repairs cartilage and keeps your joints in good shape. Other natural arthritis remedies, such as fish oil, reduce inflammation and support other body functions.

Meditation is one of the more unconventional natural arthritis remedies. Meditation relaxes your mind and body; it also seems to relieve arthritis pain. Unfortunately, meditation takes more practice than other natural arthritis remedies. You will need to learn deep-breathing techniques and focus in order to keep your mind quiet. The effects are mostly psychological. Meditation reduces stress, which breaks the cycle of pain in which many arthritis sufferers find themselves. Natural arthritis remedies are available if you know where to look. Certain natural arthritis remedies will require a consultation with a doctor or medical professional, however.

Thursday 21 January 2016

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Aging, Memory Loss and Provasil

Memory loss is commonly regarded as a normal part of aging, but Cognetix Labs, makers of Provasil, know that this is not so. Losing your memory as you grow older is not given. If you ever find yourself forgetting the name of a person you have recently met or not finding your house keys where you thought you left them, do not accept this as an eventuality.

Brain Plasticity

ProvasilNo, your brain is not made of plastic, unless you are a plastic human model with a plastic brain. What is meant by brain plasticity - also called neuroplasticity - is the brain's adaptability to change according to the experiences it is exposed to. When you learn something new or master new information, new neural connections are formed.

Neuroplasticity includes different processes that occur throughout a person's life. This means that given the proper stimulus, your brain has the power to form connections between and among its neural pathways, no matter your age.

Causes of Memory Loss

While some people see a slight decline in their ability to recall information and learn new things, studies have shown that the elderly, given enough time, can perform as well as, or even better than their younger counterparts, especially in vocabulary tasks. The elderly brain also seems to have the capability to recruit other regions into fulfilling difficult tasks, a proof of its plasticity. If aging does not directly cause memory loss, what does? Here are some of the causes of memory loss:

1. Vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 performs many roles, one of which is to develop and maintain a healthy nervous system. Vitamin B12 absorption slows down as people age, which is why memory loss is often associated with aging.

2. Silent stroke. This is a stroke that the sufferer is not aware of since there are no outward symptoms. When this occurs, major brain blood vessels get blocked, resulting in decreased blood and oxygen flow to the brain.

3. Sleep apnea. People suffering with sleep apnea repeatedly stop and start breathing as they sleep. This irregular breathing can deprive the brain of oxygen several hundred times a night, a condition that stresses the brain and affects the kind of memory responsible for remembering directions or locating things.

4. Medications. Different medicines, such as those prescribed for diabetes, pain, cholesterol, anxiety, allergy and depression can affect memory. Most of these conditions appear in the elderly, which is why old age is oftentimes blamed for memory loss.

5. Anxiety and stress. When you are anxious and stressed, you hamper your brain's ability to function optimally. These happens mostly in individuals who do not get enough sleep and those who multi-task and juggle many responsibilities.

Diet, sleep and alcohol and substance abuse could also affect the memory, so a healthy lifestyle is needed to ensure proper brain functioning in old age. Of course, conditions like Alzheimer's and dementia can be a culprit too, so it is best to get yourself checked.

Taking Supplements

If you are not as mentally sharp as you used to be, then you need to take a brain support supplement like Provasil. Provasil's clinical formulation of 15 all-natural ingredients is proven to address cognitive snags like brain fog, forgetfulness and declining focus. You might be getting old, but that does not mean you have to bear all those "senior moments." Regain and maintain your mental agility with Provasil, the best memory-enhancing product available today.

Friday 15 January 2016

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Is Traditional Chinese Medicines Help Revive Your Sex Life after 50?

Sometimes, a few life lessons can be learned from the movies that we watch. Take into consideration Hope Springs starring Meryl Streep, about a woman with a humdrum, boring sex life. Meryl Streep plays a 60-year-old lady who is subjected to a dying sex life, which causes struggles for her and her husband (played by Tommy Lee Jones). The struggles become so bad that that the couple begins to sleep in separate bedrooms after not having sex for approximately 5 years. The go to a couple’s counselor to help settle their sexual frustrations.

While the counselor suggests communication and leaving one’s comfort zone could help the struggling couple, she also adds in a word about a way to fix sex life using traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The system to fix one’s sex life by using traditional Chinese medicine is 2000 years old with a mind-body that recognizes that age has a drastic effect on one’s sex life. Even though the loss of libido is a part of aging, there are traditional Chinese medicine methods that serve to help dying sex lives.

3 Sex Life Problems and TCM Solutions
1) Discomfort during or after sex
With age comes low testosterone levels in women, and low hormone levels cause sex not to feel as good. Low hormone levels cause the vulva and vagina to become drier, and this can cause sex to even become painful. Some women even say that sex creates an uncomfortable burning sensation. A dry vulva or vagina is also not very comfortable for a man, because without natural lubrication, it’s hard to have sex efficiently.

In traditional Chinese medicine terms, the dryness of a vagina is described as a “yin deficiency” (AKA lack of moisture). When estrogen levels begin to decline (during perimenopause or later), the majority of women experience some sort of vagina dryness. At the end of menopause, their vagina may be delicately dry, fragile, and thin, making sex a painful experience.

Solution: There’s a way to supply estrogen from the outside instead of hormones on the inside. There’s natural, low-dose estrogen vaginal cream meant to plump up a woman’s vagina with estrogen and make it much more moisturized and comfortable. If taking hormone supplements concerns women, they can choose to use a hydrating aloe vera lotion instead. Vitamin E applied directly could also help.

A TCM solution is to apply ginseng to the vaginal area, which warms and encourages circulation. This also helps vaginal dryness, and could even rejuvenate vaginal tissue that has become subjected to tissue atrophy.

2) Lack of energy and libido
This is the most common reason why couples over 50 lose their sex lives. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to the loss of libido as a lack of chi or vital force, which can be restored with simple measures as getting more sleep or resorting to a TCM herbal program.

Solution: Reishi, a mushroom that’s called lingzhi in TCM terms, is known as “the mushroom of immortality”. Reishi can increase one’s sex life in gradual advances. This mushroom helps build up adrenal glands, which usually burn out with old age, and revives them. Cordyceps is another herb that assists with one’s libido.

3) Lack of time and an imbalanced lifestyle
Most older people have become used to putting their work and achievements before their sex life. There’s always time to fit sex into one’s schedule, but most of the time, older people believe they are short on time when they really aren’t.

Solution: In order to get one’s sex life in order, you must feel relaxed and comfortable. A busy lifestyle generally takes away from that relaxation.

You can balance your lifestyle with passion and activity. It’s basically connecting yourself with nature and finding inner peace. This is why gardening is a popular activity for those who are older. It helps balance one’s yin.

Other Ways To Revive Your Sex Life After 50
TCM methods are great ways to rejuvenate sex life, but there are many other options you can consider when trying to improve your sex life. Try working on your communication with your partner, create a change in your routine, recreate the passion and romance you may have lost over the years, take care of yourself, and try to change up sex. A simple change of lifestyle can fix one’s sex life.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

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What's In the Fridge of a Dietitian: You must Know

Any good nutritionist and Dietitian know they are being watched.  This is not a fabricated conspiracy theory – it is a fact.  Every client and friend want to know what a Dietitian eats, and what is found in their pantry and refrigerator.

Most Dietitian will agree that a balanced life, including food choices, is the secret to losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Some healthy food ideas from nutritional experts are listed below.
1. Fruits are a common food staple of Dietitian.  Their fridge is stocked with seasonal fruits – bright colored berries and delicious crisp apples are among the top favorite choices.

2. Avocados have a higher caloric count than some other fruits, but it is lower in sugar than most.  It contains mono-unsaturated fatty acids, which are said to reduce dangerous risks of heart disease, by lowering bad LDL cholesterol and increasing good (HDL) cholesterol numbers.  Avocados are a dream food for Dietitian, as it helps to maintain a healthy weight.  This versatile food can be added to smoothies, sauces, sandwiches, and salads.

3. Vegetables of all kinds also make the top of the list.  Baby carrots, bell pepper strips, and cherry tomatoes are great for mid-day or late-night snacking.  Spinach and kale are excellent for salad bases, soup additions, and smoothie ingredients.

4. Watercress, in particular, is a highly nutritious and versatile vegetable.  Researchers found, several years ago, that the components in watercress may aid in “turning off” active breast cancer cells.

5. Kefir is probiotic heaven to many nutritionists, and often found inside many refrigerators of healthy-minded individuals.  Active and live probiotics are an important component to digestive health.  Probiotics are naturally founds in formatted foods, such as tempeh, kimchi, sauerkraut, and kefir.  According to conducted research, probiotic foods help neurological health, aid in weight loss and stabilize blood pressure.  Fermented milk, in particular, has also been proven to have a positive effect on chronic gastritis.

6. Olives, like avocados, are a great source of mono-unsaturated fats.  Just a small amount of olives are a very tasty snack, and can bring main dishes to a whole new flavor level, when used in your favorite recipes.

7. Eggs contain choline (an important nutrient, especially for pregnant women).  Also, they are high in protein, and low in carbohydrates and calories.  Due to their high protein content, a couple of hard-boiled eggs will keep your hunger satisfied, which makes them a perfect daily breakfast choice.  They are also the basis for delicious vegetable omelets.  In addition to being protein-packed, eggs are also a good source of Vitamin D, A, and B12.

8. Corn tortillas are an excellent alternative to white bread.  They are low in carbohydrates and calories, and high in fiber, as well as being gluten-free.  These versatile little wraps are used for endless varieties of snacks and mail meals.

9. Hemp milk has a creamy texture, which makes it a great addition to many recipes that call for cow’s milk.  Hemp milk has been studied, and found to have healthy fatty acids (such as Omega-3), which have a positive effect on health.

10. Greek yogurt is also something that is commonly found in a Dietitian's refrigerator.  It is a great source of calcium and protein.  It can be eaten plain, mixed with fruit, and used in many recipes.
11. Lean protein, such as turkey, chicken and salmon are also recommended foods.  Proteins will keep you feeling fuller longer, and that is a bonus for individuals who are on the go, and want to keep their body at a healthy weight.

12. Spreads and dips, such as hummus, are very healthy.  They can be used as a replacement for sandwich spreads.  The recipe options for hummus range from simple to sophisticated, in order to meet everyone’s taste preference.

Final Tips
Dietitian recommend, that in order to keep your own refrigerator filled with nutritious ingredients and snack items, is to keep a running grocery store list.  Some staples that should be on hand, at all times, are frozen vegetables and fruit (to be used for smoothies), and pre-cut fresh vegetables.

Another great tip from Dietitian is to get the whole family involved in the food-prepping process.  When this is a family activity, it increases the time that families spend talking to one another (and not texting or on the computer), and, in addition, when someone is involved in preparing food, they are more than likely to become concerned and more conscience about their overall health.  Consider a pizza night – making your own of course!  The crust can be made from healthy cauliflower and topped with delicious fresh vegetables. It will not only be more nutritious than store bought,  it will become part of your families’ fond memories.

Monday 11 January 2016

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Functional Fitness Training for Improved quality of life

The fitness trend has evolved greatly over the years. Exercise routines are improvised and designed creatively to target specific results. Fitness is no more about lifting weights or intense cardio workouts, but it is more about functionality.  The current fitness trend is the kind of fitness that will help you feel good and stay active to perform everyday activities. We are talking about functional fitness.

Functional fitness is all about muscle integration than muscle isolation. The main focus of functional fitness is to better the quality of life. In functional fitness, the muscles are trained to establish core stability for better performance in everyday activities. The activities could be anything from taking the stairs to walking or even playing with your children.

As per the American College of Sports and Medicine’s annual survey in fitness trends, functional fitness is one among the top ten fitness trends of 2016. Functional fitness can be followed by kids, adults, and older adults. However, adults who have not exercised and are over the age of 40 and pregnant women need to consult with their physicians before embarking on the functional fitness journey.

The benefits of functional fitness
The inclusion of functional exercises in the fitness routine can improve the quality of life significantly. Here are some benefits of functional exercises:
Functional exercises are ideal for those with busy schedules. As few muscles are exercised the efficiency of the workout is better.

Functional exercises also provide excitement and variety as they engage people in a meaningful way by eliminating monotony.

Unlike strenuous workout routines where there is a risk of muscle wear and tear, functional workout routine helps to build the core stability.

Athletes can benefit greatly from functional exercises as it enhances focus and strength of specific skill set required to their sport.

Functional exercise routines are designed to recognise and address weakness by people specific functional moves. Functional moves are interesting and unpredictable; they could be as simple as crawls, rope exercises or lifting objects etc. The basic idea behind the exercises is to make them look like simple play routine. Some of the hottest functional fitness trends are:

1. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
The famous martial art form from South America- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is an amazing exercise for increasing rhythm and awareness of the body along with agility and flexibility. The martial art form when practiced regularly imparts a sense of confidence and discipline.

2. Deadlifts
Deadlift is one of the best functional exercises to strengthen the back. It involves a simple move where a barbell is lifted from the ground by squatting. The hamstring, arms and back are used to complete the task.

3. Strongman
Strongman is another form of functional move that involves lifting heavy objects or weights from one point to place it on another. It is highly functional as the exercise focuses on movements and coordination than muscles. And the exercise helps to tone up the fat, strengthen the body and help to improve the core stability.

4. Ugi Fit
Ugi fit is a fun way to work out strength, cardio and core training in less than 30 minutes with the help of a squishy Ugi ball that has a bounce similar to a stress ball. It is focussed at full body workout. It includes knee ups, froggies, triceps pushups, hamstring press, leg extensions, forward lunge with bicep curl and much more.

5. Bokwa
Bokwa is the most popular group fitness program that involves dancing to alphabets and digits. The dance moves include drawing alphabets and digit patterns with the dance steps. Participants dance to popular music hits and end up burning a lot of calories. With Bokwa, one can aim for low or high- intensity training.

6. Ropes gone wild
Based on the principle of “art of undulation” a weighted rope is waved up and down. The rope is used to create a shape similar to a wave with the body.  The low impact workout can benefit coordination, cardiovascular health and metabolic stamina.  It is an ideal workout option for injured athletes that help them to keep fit and those who are starting out to exercise.

7. Groove
Developed by dancer Misty Tripoli Groove is a fun way of dancing with no definite moves. The participants are allowed to dance as they like as each body is different and unique. Continuous sessions provide much-needed coordination and flexibility with cardio workout to the body.

8. Pole workout
Pole dancing is often perceived as scintillating but pole dance moves can be one of the easiest ways to burn excess calories and tone the body fat. Aside from burning calories, it also enhances flexibility and strength in the body.

9. Barre+Cardio Fusion Classes
Barre+Cardio Fusion workout is an interesting twist to the traditional ballet workout. It is fast-paced with simple but intense functional moves that will tone the body and improves cardiovascular health. With Barre+Cardio Fusion classes one can expect full-body workout.

10. Animal flow
Developed by Mike Fitch in collaboration with Equinox, Animal flow is an amalgamation of many functional movements that has many aspects of Parkour, break-dance, acrobatics, Capoeira and Gymnastics. The movements are focussed to make the body stay on the ground while making the participant sweat it out.

Functional fitness breaks the monotony that one gets from regular exercise routine. Each functional move targets specific areas in the body to provide maximum workout. The benefits of functional fitness training are many and are very much needed for people on the go.


Tuesday 5 January 2016

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Arthritis Pain Reliever - Types of Arthritis Pain Relievers and Treatments

 The two main forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, affect an estimated 40 million Americans. Arthritis, and the pain it causes, can be absolutely debilitating, affecting mobility, mood, stress level, and quality of life. There are many treatment options available, but medication in the form of an arthritis pain reliever makes up the core of any treatment plan. Which arthritis pain reliever is best suited for you will depend on your medical history and what type of arthritis you have.  For this reason, you should talk to your doctor before determining which medication is best for you.

NSAIDs, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are the most common type of arthritis pain reliever. This group of medication includes Ibuprofen, Aspirin, and Aleve. NSAIDs reduce inflammation and provide long-term pain relief. However, taking an NSAID as an arthritis pain reliever for long periods will raise the risk of harmful side effects. bIf you experience gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcers, nausea, or vomiting, you should seek medical attention. Newer, “selective” NSAIDs, such as Celebrex, reduce inflammation but do not negatively impact your digestive system. New research suggests that all NSAIDs increase the risk of cardiovascular events. Before taking an NSAID as an arthritis pain reliever, make sure you discuss these risks with your doctor.

Analgesics are generally prescribed for short-term arthritis pain relief. This type of drug includes Tylenol as well as powerful narcotics such as Morphine and Codeine. Do not use this type of unless you suffer from extreme pain. Narcotic analgesics are potentially addictive and do not reduce inflammation or treat other symptoms of arthritis. Taking an analgesic as an arthritis pain reliever for long periods of time can result in liver damage, respiratory depression, and overdose. While risky, this type of medication can significantly improve your quality of life.

Corticosteroids are used to treat inflammation caused by lupus, and other conditions. Steroids provide effective and immediate inflammation reduction. Because the potential for side effects increases greatly when taken long-term, steroid use is tightly controlled. However, if you need an arthritis pain reliever that is effective and fast, there is none better. Corticosteroids are often injected directly into the joint to reduce pain like joint pain relief products. The best arthritis pain reliever will depend on which type of arthritis you have, your tolerance for risk, and your medical history. Talk to a doctor to get a professional recommendation.

Monday 4 January 2016

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Is eyelash transplant safe?

Eyelash transplant is very safe as proved by scientists. The human eyelash is a sign of beauty and more important is the protection of the eye. They prevent dust particles, insects among others from getting to your eye any time. The eye is not safe without the lashes hence you require a transplant that will make your eye back to life again. The causes of few lashes are pricking with your hands, infection among other causes. Transplanted eyelashes are false but serve the part of the lost lashes. It is not a must you transplant lashes because of health, you can add as a way of improving your beauty.

Reasons for eyelash transplant
For beauty
The longer the eyelashes, the most beautiful you look hence this make many people who do not have thick lashes to opt for surgery. You can opt to wear fake lashes if you do not have enough finances. Avoid going for surgery in places you are not sure of since you may end up losing your money and not gaining any beauty. You can add mascara on lashes to make them look darker and avoid using a product that was bought over 2 years ago since it can lead to lash loss.

Health reasons
The eyes need lashes and cannot operate without them since they protect the eye from any external damage. The lashes enable the eyelid to close quickly and prevent insects from getting into contact with the eye. They also enable the eye to open and close without struggle hence making it necessary to seek for surgery and replace then since it is difficult for the eye to stay without lashes.

To make them look thicker
Thick eyebrows look so beautiful hence making most women and ladies seek a transplant that will lead to gaining of thick eyelashes. You need to know the cause of the eyelash loss to prevent further health problems.

To change appearance/facial looks 
There people who love to camouflage and it will be difficult for you to identify them. In this case there is usually no causes of eyelash loss, they only want to change the appearance. This happens to people who are criminals and they begin with bleaching their skin, then take eyelash surgery. It will be difficult for the current appearance to match with their original appearance.

Causes of Eyelash loss
During menopause women tend to lose both eyelashes and eyebrow leaving them with no option rather than the eyelash transplant and use of fake eyebrows. The only cure for eyelash loss is the transplant which has been medically proven to be safe by the health professionals.

This is the treatment of cancer hat tend to take off all the existing hair in the human body. After a successful chemotherapy, you can have the hair grow back but in very rare cases. Most cancer patients opt for eyelash transplant to allow easy opening and closing of the eyes. An eye with no eyelashes is very painful but after the transplant, the eyes are at ease and can normally function.

There are certain medications that are not safe when consumed without proper prescription. Avoid taking medication over the counter since some medications are the causes of eyelash loss. Make it a duty to visit a professional doctor when you feel that your body is incomplete/ unwell. This is to ensure that you are under proper medication and your doctor cannot mislead you. Take caution also to take medication as prescribed in the medical center to avoid overdose which is a cause of the hair and eyelash loss.

Normal hair loss
This is not really understood what causes the eyelash loss. You just find that your lashes are just falling with no reason and no medical test is identifying the cause. Avoid holding the lashes with your hands since you can pluck them unknowingly. The causes of eyelash loss can be eliminated and others are inevitable. Seek eyelash transplant if the cause cannot be solved in any way.

Health and beauty can be directly related since you cannot look beautiful once you are unwell. The moment you get good health you will be in a position to maintain your beauty beginning with your eyelashes. Avoid using beauty products that are not original since they will lead to loss of eyelash. Use mascara for a period of 2 years since beyond 3 years it is always contaminated with bacteria. These bacteria are capable of making your eyelashes fall off leaving the eyelid naked which will make you feel pain and also expose your lashes to dust and harmful insects. In case you are comfortable with your lashes, there is no need of adding the false ones.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

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How Does 3D Games Increase Your Brain Power

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If you are looking to improve brain power, then 3D games and videos might be the way to go. You may be wondering why this is so. Now, cognitive power is essential in order to perform effectively in our day to day lives as we age. There are numerous ways you may boost this but most recommended traveling. While not many of us can afford to travel often, there are other activities that promise to keep you cognitively involved and active. One such activity is playing 3D games. A study by the University of California showed that 3D games improve the ability of a person to form memories. This is an essential requirement as you age where you are protected against conditions such as Alzheimer disease, which are characterized by memory failure.

The Study
In the study, a group of college students were picked from whom the research was done. The group consisted of 2D and 3D gamers. They would game for about 30 minutes per day. Their progress was tracked and after a period of two weeks they were given a memory test and their performance noted. From the study, what they got noted is that those who played 3D games showed better performance than their counterparts.

This improvement can be contributed to the complexity and spatial information associated with the game. In the research, some of the students played ‘2D angry birds’ while the rest played ‘super Mario 3D world’. The 3D game has lots of complex information that boost the brain power of an individual. Science shows that when you challenge the brain with complex information, it is bound to keep active and remember stuff more easily.

Further Research
In another research was done on rats, the hippocampus and essential part in spatial memory, was shown to be stimulated in 3D environments. Study author Craig Stark proposes that the same research be done on humans and the effects on the hippocampus noted to see if the same case applies to them. The above two studies show promise.

Watching 3D Movies
Science also has showed that watching 3D videos also has the same effect. A report by two neuroscientists, Patrick Fagan of Goldsmith University and Walker Brendan of Thrill Laboratory were lead by the curiosity of knowing what made watching 3D videos more worthwhile than the 2D ones.  From the research, 3D movies were to shown to boost the cognitive functions of the individuals. Processing abilities increased by about 23% in people watching 3D movies as compared to 11% in those who watched the 2D ones. It is seen as a way of training the mind. However, it is important to note that some people complain of headaches and dizziness after watching these movies. Care thus should be taken to ensure the lighting is right and watching is not done for long.

Other Memory Enhancers 
Looking at ways on how to improve memory, apart from these activities, there are also other ways that can be used to improve memory. Sleeping, for example, is one of them. Through sleep, the brain is seen to consolidate and organize information in a better way. This is important to enable one relate information and remember it well afterwards. In essence, it reduces the need to cram things but rather remember them with much ease. Every adult is recommended to have at least six hours of sleep every day. It is the same time used by the body to renew its energy and repair worn out tissues; thus really important.

Diet Role
Eating the correct type of food is also essential for boosting brain power. Nuts especially are known to contain lots of magnesium, a mineral shown to boost short and long term memories. It also promotes connections between brain cells. Almond nuts are good in this. Green tea has proven to beat psychological distress apart from being an excellent weight loss remedy.

Love Jokes
Laughing is also a great way although few people know about it. You often hear people say that laughter is the best medicine. Well, it must be true as research has shown that it stimulates the brain, making people think in a broader and freer manner. It also gets rid of stress a known cause of low brain power. Remember to laugh today. You never know how many benefits you are giving your body.

As we age, there is need to ensure the brain remains active. Many times you will find this is not possible especially with the lifestyles people are leading today. However, it is important if you are looking to have an easier time when you age. Simple things that are at our disposals such as video games and movies can be utilized effectively to help in this. Moderation is the key though ensure you don’t overdo the whole thing which may end up causing more harm than good. 

Friday 18 December 2015

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Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy Week by Week

Pregnancy marks a new chapter of your life, the chapter that will very soon include a new character, your child. As your pregnancy moves further to D day, your body changes, week by week. While you are familiar with some signs and symptoms of pregnancy, others might be completely unfamiliar to you. This article lists most common signs and symptoms of pregnancy week by week. Let’s see what
they are.

Weeks 1 and 2

Actually, you’re still not pregnant. In fact, there’s no even an embryo in sight at this point. In first two weeks of pregnancy (the week of your last period and the following week) your body is working hard to prepare for the event that will pave the way for your baby – ovulation. Currently, your uterus just started getting ready for the arrival of a fertilized egg.

Week 3

If your egg and husband’s or partner’s egg have “formed a connection”, there’s an embryo in your belly. However, you won’t notice any changes in your body just yet. After all, you still didn’t miss your period. But, you might spot light vaginal bleeding and mistake it for period. In fact, it is considered one of the earliest signs of pregnancy.

Week 4

The fertilized egg burrows into the lining of your uterus. The process is referred to as implantation. Your period was supposed to start this week, but you missed it; which is regarded as one of the most obvious signs that you’re pregnant. Besides the obvious absence of period, you might also notice that your breasts are tender. Some women also experience extreme senses of taste and smell at this point.

Week 5

Most women find out they’re expecting their child during 5th week of pregnancy. If you’ve done pregnancy test, chances are high it was positive. During this week, your baby starts developing body systems and structures such as spine, brain, heart etc. But, your baby doesn’t look like a baby just yet.

What about you and your body? Symptoms most women experience in week 5 include:
  • Morning sickness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Frequent urination
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Fatigue
  • Breast changes
  • Food cravings or aversions
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Mood swings.

Week 6

This is the point when you will start noticing some changes in your body. Although most people won’t be able to tell you’re pregnant just yet, your uterus is constantly growing. At this point, your baby is about 1/8 to ¼ inch in length (size of a pea). The increasing uterus forms a pressure onto your bladder and you start going to the bathroom more frequently than in previous week.

Furthermore, your breasts still feel sore and might even start to swell. Other symptoms are similar to the 5th week and they include irritability, mood swings, fatigue etc.

Week 7

If you haven’t experienced any pregnancy symptoms before, you might start experiencing them now. It’s extremely important to bear in mind that all women experience pregnancy symptoms differently and in different intensity. In most cases, you will experience different symptoms in every pregnancy you go through.

Symptoms associated with 7th week of pregnancy include:
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Frequent urination
  • Excess saliva in your mouth
  • Tender and swollen breasts (your bra might not fit)
  • Bloating (you might not be able to zip up your pants)
  • Darkening of the areolas
  • Fatigue.
Meanwhile, your baby is still just an embryo but its tail is decreasing and will disappear quite soon.

Week 8

At this point you might notice that your clothes feel too tight now, although you’ve gained just a few pounds. Your breasts are still sore and even tingly. Furthermore, fatigue will probably continue this week as well.

Week 9

Your clothes will feel even tighter now because the waistline will keep “expanding”. Also, your breasts will continue on growing while nipples will become even darker. Most common symptoms associated with 9th week of pregnancy include:
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased appetite
  • Tingly/tender breasts
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Cravings/food aversions.
Meanwhile, your baby is experiencing some changes too e.g. its elbows can bend now.

Week 10

Congratulations, your baby isn’t just an embryo anymore, but a fetus. While some women won’t experience morning sickness anymore, others will for quite some time. Other symptoms associated with 10th week are somewhat similar to other symptoms of the 1st trimester:
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Heartburn
  • Gas, bloating, constipation.
Week 11

If you’re pregnant with your first child, you might not start showing just yet. If you’ve been pregnant before, then you might start noticing a tiny baby bump. This week, your baby’s genitalia are finishing up its development (but it will only be visible on ultrasound between weeks 16 and 20).

Pregnancy signs and symptoms linked with week 11 are:
  • Heartburn
  • Sore or enlarged breasts
  • Morning sickness.
Week 12

The first trimester is almost over and you’ve probably gained about 2 pounds now. Symptoms associated with week 12 include:
  • Melasma or mask of pregnancy
  • Areolas become darker
  • Breast tenderness and soreness remain.
Week 13

Due to growing uterus, you might experience sharp pain in lower abdomen during sudden movements. Your breasts will start producing colostrums, precursor of breast milk and you might notice your breasts start leaking from time to time (some women might experience this later in the pregnancy). You might even start feeling energetic at this point.

At this point, your baby is the size of peapod.

Week 14

You’re officially in second trimester. Congratulations! You will notice your breasts aren’t as tender as they were, symptoms of morning sickness are either gone or their intensity decreased, and you’ll feel more energetic.

At this point, your baby’s kidneys start producing urine which is released into amniotic fluid.

Week 15

In 15th week of pregnancy, you’ll notice your belly is getting larger just like your breasts and nipples. This is, also, the right time to start wearing maternity clothes because it’s more comfortable.
As your body is still trying to adjust to your pregnancy, you might feel overly emotional. Other symptoms you’ll feel this week include:
  • Body pain
  • Darkening of the skin around nipples
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
Meanwhile, your baby is growing more skin and hair, even eyebrows.

Week 16

At this point, you might notice your sleeping pattern improved. Second trimester is also called a honeymoon phase of pregnancy mostly because it’s not accompanied by severe symptoms.

Signs and symptoms associated with this week include:
  • Pregnancy glow
  • Heartburn and constipation
  • Congestion or nosebleeds in some cases.
Your baby is about the size of avocado now.

Week 17

As your uterus is constantly expanding, your organs will have to shift to make enough room for your baby. This might lead to some gastrointestinal problems like heartburn or indigestion to continue. Moreover, you might also experience sciatic nerve pain. You might recognize it by piercing pain in your leg.

Your baby is adding a bit of fat to its body which will help him or her regulate body temperature.

Week 18

You’ve probably developed impressive baby bump by now. Symptoms you’ll experience at this point include:
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Body aches
  • Itchy abdomen, hands, or feet
  • Stretch marks
  • Line nigra.
  • Nasal and gum problems
  • Heartburn, constipation
  • Dizziness.
At this point, your baby’s about the size of a bell pepper.

Week 19

This is the point when most women feel baby’s movement. Although second trimester is characterized by higher levels of energy, you might start experiencing fatigue from time to time, especially now when you’re almost halfway through your pregnancy. It happens because your body is still adjusting to constant changes.

However, morning sickness symptoms that didn’t vanish at the beginning of second trimester should be gone by now. If you’re still experiencing nausea or vomiting, you should consult your doctor.

At this point, you might still feel pain in your abdomen from time to time. Good thing about week 19, your hair will become shinier than ever.

Week 20

You’re officially halfway pregnant now! Your appetite might increase and bump more pronounced. Starting this point until the end of your pregnancy, you might gain a pound per week.

Symptoms linked with 20th week include:
  • Food cravings
  • False labor or Braxton-Hicks contractions.
Week 21

Stretch marks are still developing as your stomach keeps expanding. Common symptoms that occur in 21st week include:
  • Varicose veins
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Oily skin and acne.
Meanwhile, your baby’s eyes have the ability to open now.

Week 22

Irritability and move swings should relieve at this point and you’ll start feeling better, emotionally. Besides varicose veins and oily skin, you might also have to deal with hemorrhoids at this point.

Week 23

Besides growing belly and expanding hips, you’ll notice your feet and ankles started swelling as well. If your breasts didn’t start producing colostrum earlier, they might start doing so this week. Furthermore, due to weight gain, stretch marks will form on your thighs and breasts.

Week 24

As stretch marks are still forming on your skin, you might feel itchiness. Also, your eyes might start feeling dry and itchy at this point as well. Breasts will probably start producing colostrum (if haven’t already). Furthermore, as your body prepares for delivery, you’ll start experiencing false contractions again and it will happen frequently until the end of pregnancy.

Other symptoms associated with 24th week include backaches and constipation.

Week 25

At this point, you’re pregnant about 6 months. You’ll continue to gain weight as your body strives to support the growing baby. Symptoms you might experience include:
  • Aches and pains
  • Swollen ankles
  • Heartburn.
Moreover, your baby is able to respond to familiar sounds now.

Week 26

In 26th week, your uterus reaches more than 2 inches above belly button. Since your bladder is pressured by the growing uterus you’ll still go to bathroom frequently. From this point, you might be prone to developing gestational diabetes. First signs of this condition include excessive thirst accompanied by frequent bathroom visits.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about 9% of pregnant women develop gestational diabetes.

Week 27

Starting this week, you’ll start feeling emotionally and physically exhausted. As baby grows you’ll still experience heartburn, back pain, weight gain, and swelling. Other symptoms include:
  • Shortness of breath
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Hemorrhoids.
Week 28

You’re in your third trimester now! By now, your baby probably shifted into place for delivery, but some babies will shift after week 30. Symptoms you’ll experience at this point are:
  • Constipation and gas
  • Leg crams and back aches
  • Insomnia.
Week 30

These days, you might feel more tired and it’s difficult for you to find a comfortable sleeping position. You’ll still experience back ache and your feet will change. Mood swings will return as lack of energy will only make you more irritable.

Week 31

Symptoms associated with 31stweek of pregnancy include:
  • Colostrums (if haven’t leaked before, it varies from woman to woman)
  • Frequent urination
  • Leg cramps
  • Hemorrhoids.
At this point, your baby’s lungs and nervous system are almost completely developed.

Week 32

Fatigue, heartburn and other symptoms that followed you throughout pregnancy will continue. Plus, you’re still going to experience false contractions. This is a good point to recognize false contractions from false labor. Remember, if they don’t have rhythm, it means they don’t increase or decrease, that’s a sign the contractions are false and you’re not in the labor.

Week 33

Symptoms you’ll probably notice at this time include:
  • Heat skips a beat
  • Sciatica
  • Ankles and feet swelling more than in previous weeks
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Shortness of breath.
Your baby at this stage can even experience deep REM sleep.

Week 34

At this stage, you might feel bulky due to water retention. Due to weight gain, you feel exhausted and find it difficult to sleep. Furthermore, while your uterus is still expanding you’re still going to experience heartburn and indigestion.

Week 35

Your growing uterus forms a pressure onto a ribcage thus making it difficult for you to breathe. Also, because of weight gain, it might be difficult for you to move around. Some women feel breast tenderness in 35th week again.

Week 36

You have only four weeks left until you meet your baby. This week, you’ll feel more exhausted than usual, plus you’ll still experience false contractions. Before deciding to head to hospital, always try to identify whether contractions you experience are false or real.

Week 37

This is the point when baby usually drops and you start breathing more easily. However, you’ll probably have the urge to urinate frequently or you’ll experience more intense back pain. Since babies don’t, really, arrive according to the schedule, starting 37th week, you should start expecting your baby to arrive any day now.

Week 38

If you still carrying your baby you might experience a sudden urge to do something around your house, particularly in the nursery. This is called nesting. However, you should take it easy as excess weight makes it difficult for you to be physically active for a longer period of time.

Week 39

Your baby has reached his or her full height and weight now and is ready for the big debut. You should spend this week preparing things for the hospital (if you haven’t already) and getting some rest. At this point, due to the fact baby is full grown, it will be difficult for you to sleep or even stand up and sit down. You might also experience heartburn as well.

Week 40

If your baby hasn’t arrived yet, then you should expect your bundle or joy this week. Most babies who are born at 40 weeks are between 19 and 21 inches long and weigh between 6 and 9 pounds. It might be difficult for you to move with all this weight and you’ll become irritable and experience mood swings again. But, it’s just matter of days now!



Throughout pregnancy, your body goes through series of changes thus experiencing a wide array of symptoms. Intensity and frequency of symptoms varies and every woman experiences them differently. If you’re concerned, consult your doctor who’ll give you some useful tips and explain whether something’s perfectly normal or inform you if you should be concerned.


Friday 20 March 2015

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Fighting Back Against Dry Skin

Dry skin is a major problem. Dry skin can is common and many people are prone it is in the winter months from exposure to the elements. There are some things that a person can do to combat dry skin and help their skin stay moisturized.

Cream is Not Enough

Many people think just applying cream to the skin will solve the problems a person is having with dry skin. The way a person applies the cream can make all the difference. If a person applies cream once a week it is not going to help them too much. Cream and moisturizer should be applied to the skin several times a day. The cream must be evenly so that all of the skin is able to absorb it. If a person puts a bottle of moisturizer near the bed they will be more likely to remember to apply it. If a person has dry hands they can keep a smaller bottle of moisturizer with them during the day in case they get too dry.

Fighting Back Against Dry Skin

Best Time to Moisturize

It is best to moisturize the skin when it is damp. This will help seal in hydration. A person should not be soaking wet, the cream should be applied after they dry off with the towel. The skin will then be able to dry on its own and keep the moisture locked in. A second layer of cream can be applied after the skin has dried if the skin is still rough and making a person uncomfortable.

Different Moisturizers

Not all moisturizers are made the same. According to the change in the seasons a person should switch their creams and what features they have for the skin. In order to stay comfortable and protected in the summer the moisturizer should contain SPF. The type of skin a person has will also play a role in the moisturizer that they use. If a person has oily skin they need to use a light moisturizer. If a person has dry and cracked skin they need to use a heavier based moisturizer. If a person is still having trouble staying moisturized they can see a dermatologist and get a prescription for the right type of moisturizer for their skin type.

Water Matters

Many people do not realize this but the water they use and the temperature of the water can actually cause dry skin. Hard water and water that contains sentiment can actually damage the skin. If a person has hard water they should invest in a water softener in their shower. This will help keep skin from drying out. While many people like to take a hot shower the high temperature of the water can do more harm then good. A person should switch to a lukewarm shower as it is better for the skin.

Be Sure to Clean

Cleaning the skin is important to make sure all dirt and oil is removed. If the cleaner is too harsh it can dry the skin out. Look for creams and body lotions such as those that are milked based. They will cleanse the body and provide hydration at the same time. Soaps and body washes that contain a heavy smell or fragrance should not be used by people with dry skin. The scent is responsible for removing the moisture from the skin.

Suffer No Longer

A person does not have to suffer from dry skin any longer. There are several things they can do to keep the skin looking and feeling smoother. It is important to use the correct moisturizer and use it often. Once a person finds the right moisturizer for their skin they will not longer have to worry about a dry and cracked feeling.