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Friday 20 March 2015

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Fighting Back Against Dry Skin

Dry skin is a major problem. Dry skin can is common and many people are prone it is in the winter months from exposure to the elements. There are some things that a person can do to combat dry skin and help their skin stay moisturized.

Cream is Not Enough

Many people think just applying cream to the skin will solve the problems a person is having with dry skin. The way a person applies the cream can make all the difference. If a person applies cream once a week it is not going to help them too much. Cream and moisturizer should be applied to the skin several times a day. The cream must be evenly so that all of the skin is able to absorb it. If a person puts a bottle of moisturizer near the bed they will be more likely to remember to apply it. If a person has dry hands they can keep a smaller bottle of moisturizer with them during the day in case they get too dry.

Fighting Back Against Dry Skin

Best Time to Moisturize

It is best to moisturize the skin when it is damp. This will help seal in hydration. A person should not be soaking wet, the cream should be applied after they dry off with the towel. The skin will then be able to dry on its own and keep the moisture locked in. A second layer of cream can be applied after the skin has dried if the skin is still rough and making a person uncomfortable.

Different Moisturizers

Not all moisturizers are made the same. According to the change in the seasons a person should switch their creams and what features they have for the skin. In order to stay comfortable and protected in the summer the moisturizer should contain SPF. The type of skin a person has will also play a role in the moisturizer that they use. If a person has oily skin they need to use a light moisturizer. If a person has dry and cracked skin they need to use a heavier based moisturizer. If a person is still having trouble staying moisturized they can see a dermatologist and get a prescription for the right type of moisturizer for their skin type.

Water Matters

Many people do not realize this but the water they use and the temperature of the water can actually cause dry skin. Hard water and water that contains sentiment can actually damage the skin. If a person has hard water they should invest in a water softener in their shower. This will help keep skin from drying out. While many people like to take a hot shower the high temperature of the water can do more harm then good. A person should switch to a lukewarm shower as it is better for the skin.

Be Sure to Clean

Cleaning the skin is important to make sure all dirt and oil is removed. If the cleaner is too harsh it can dry the skin out. Look for creams and body lotions such as those that are milked based. They will cleanse the body and provide hydration at the same time. Soaps and body washes that contain a heavy smell or fragrance should not be used by people with dry skin. The scent is responsible for removing the moisture from the skin.

Suffer No Longer

A person does not have to suffer from dry skin any longer. There are several things they can do to keep the skin looking and feeling smoother. It is important to use the correct moisturizer and use it often. Once a person finds the right moisturizer for their skin they will not longer have to worry about a dry and cracked feeling.


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