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Sunday, 30 March 2014

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Anvanca Review: Does This Product Give The Required Result Quickly?

What is Anvanca?
This product Anvanca claims to be a weight reduction program, which involves a supplement that is taken in addition to regular diet and exercise. The product states that the active ingredients of this product are supposed to have an impact on the body and mind. As dieting and exercising, though regularly, may not be enough to help you shed unwanted body fat. So Anvanca claims to take you to that next level and overcome certain weight loss hurdles. Moreover this product says that it may help you drop up to two pounds per week. Its official website gives you one more benefits by allowing you to track your progress and get support from others. It provided various charts, nutrition advice, fitness programs and motivation via the main website.


Ingredients And Their Working:
Well the official website mentions about the ingredients present in this product and it does state its working, but still fails to give the exact knowledge required. The ingredients of this product are:
  • Green Tea Extract
  • MetaSpur
  • Forskolin
  • 5-HTP
  • B-Vitamin
Prime ingredient in this product Anvanca is Green Tea Extract. This ingredient is known as the miracle medicine of our day. This green tea extract can do a variety of things for your body; like raising your cAMP. This cAMP is a compound in the body that controls and regulates your body fat. Green tea extract by raising your cAMP, makes your body able to turn fat into energy faster. This wonder ingredient can also boost your metabolism. Moreover the caffeine found in this product gives you more energy and promotes your overall weight loss.

Another effective ingredient present in this product is 5-HTP, which is not so commonly found in weight loss pills, yet is very useful. This ingredient has the power to suppress your appetite. It also has the power to decrease your craving for sugars and increase it for healthy foods.

Benefits of Anvanca:
  • The official website states the first bottle of Anvanca to be free when bought via the official website.
  • This formula encourages diet and exercise.
  • The official website provides some success stories.
  • There are some health warnings posted on the website.
  • For this product there is no refund guarantee actually addressed for this diet program.
Side Effects of Anvanca:

This product has a few unwanted side effects like, jitters, restlessness, headaches and nervousness. All of these are said to have come from the caffeine in Anvanca which is enough to fill a full cup of coffee!


Even though this product is formulated with the most effective ingredient, yet it is not so pleasing to many, as there are a lot of reviews stating the negative effects of this product. Moreover there are some health warnings posted on its official website as well.


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