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Tuesday 18 February 2014

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Pure Acai Berry Max: Read Reviews

What is Pure acai berry?

Acai berry is considered as a super food used in many weight loss products. It is a purple palm fruit rich in antioxidants that helps to cleanse your body. Pure Acai Berry max is a product that claims to burn unwanted fat from the body instantly. The manufacturer boosts about having 100% pure acai berry in it, it is not treated with any type of chemicals. You can lose 1 to 5 pounds in a week as well as also boosts your metabolism that helps to lose weight in an effective manner. The product provides 180 day money back guarantee to prove that the company thinks about the benefits of its customers by giving them an opportunity to give back the product if they are not satisfied with the results. Because of this strategy many people want to try it for maintaining their toned figure.
Pure Acai Berry Max

Ingredients and how do they function

This weight loss product is designed to help a person lose weight instantly. Pure Acai Berry Max consists of 1500 mg certified organic acai berry extract that contribute to weight loss. There are no other fat burners or appetite suppressants used in it. It allows the food to get easily digested by speeding up your metabolism and passed through instantly.
Acai berry contains high levels of antioxidants as well as valuable vitamins and minerals.

The beneficial components of acai berry include Calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.


It claims to lose 1 to 5 pounds in a week if taking the pills regularly.
It contains 100% pure acai berry which helps to maintain muscle health as it contains essential fatty acids. Acai berry contains antioxidants that destroy cancerous cells.
It increases effectiveness of metabolic process.


It contains no clinically proven fat burners and appetite suppressants The money back guarantee is applicable only on 3 months packages or more. This product contains acai berry extract which is not as effective fresh berries.

Final Words

Pure Acai Berry Max is a product that contains extract of this super fruit which means that you get antioxidants and other nutrients daily. But acai is effective for weight loss or not is not really confirmed so many people don’t prefer this product. For losing weight exercise and proper diet is also important. Any supplement can help to increase your weight loss but it cannot replace a well-balanced diet as well as exercise.


  1. Is pure acai berry max different than other acai berry product or is it scam like others?
