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Tuesday 22 December 2015

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How Does 3D Games Increase Your Brain Power

Image source: Google.com

If you are looking to improve brain power, then 3D games and videos might be the way to go. You may be wondering why this is so. Now, cognitive power is essential in order to perform effectively in our day to day lives as we age. There are numerous ways you may boost this but most recommended traveling. While not many of us can afford to travel often, there are other activities that promise to keep you cognitively involved and active. One such activity is playing 3D games. A study by the University of California showed that 3D games improve the ability of a person to form memories. This is an essential requirement as you age where you are protected against conditions such as Alzheimer disease, which are characterized by memory failure.

The Study
In the study, a group of college students were picked from whom the research was done. The group consisted of 2D and 3D gamers. They would game for about 30 minutes per day. Their progress was tracked and after a period of two weeks they were given a memory test and their performance noted. From the study, what they got noted is that those who played 3D games showed better performance than their counterparts.

This improvement can be contributed to the complexity and spatial information associated with the game. In the research, some of the students played ‘2D angry birds’ while the rest played ‘super Mario 3D world’. The 3D game has lots of complex information that boost the brain power of an individual. Science shows that when you challenge the brain with complex information, it is bound to keep active and remember stuff more easily.

Further Research
In another research was done on rats, the hippocampus and essential part in spatial memory, was shown to be stimulated in 3D environments. Study author Craig Stark proposes that the same research be done on humans and the effects on the hippocampus noted to see if the same case applies to them. The above two studies show promise.

Watching 3D Movies
Science also has showed that watching 3D videos also has the same effect. A report by two neuroscientists, Patrick Fagan of Goldsmith University and Walker Brendan of Thrill Laboratory were lead by the curiosity of knowing what made watching 3D videos more worthwhile than the 2D ones.  From the research, 3D movies were to shown to boost the cognitive functions of the individuals. Processing abilities increased by about 23% in people watching 3D movies as compared to 11% in those who watched the 2D ones. It is seen as a way of training the mind. However, it is important to note that some people complain of headaches and dizziness after watching these movies. Care thus should be taken to ensure the lighting is right and watching is not done for long.

Other Memory Enhancers 
Looking at ways on how to improve memory, apart from these activities, there are also other ways that can be used to improve memory. Sleeping, for example, is one of them. Through sleep, the brain is seen to consolidate and organize information in a better way. This is important to enable one relate information and remember it well afterwards. In essence, it reduces the need to cram things but rather remember them with much ease. Every adult is recommended to have at least six hours of sleep every day. It is the same time used by the body to renew its energy and repair worn out tissues; thus really important.

Diet Role
Eating the correct type of food is also essential for boosting brain power. Nuts especially are known to contain lots of magnesium, a mineral shown to boost short and long term memories. It also promotes connections between brain cells. Almond nuts are good in this. Green tea has proven to beat psychological distress apart from being an excellent weight loss remedy.

Love Jokes
Laughing is also a great way although few people know about it. You often hear people say that laughter is the best medicine. Well, it must be true as research has shown that it stimulates the brain, making people think in a broader and freer manner. It also gets rid of stress a known cause of low brain power. Remember to laugh today. You never know how many benefits you are giving your body.

As we age, there is need to ensure the brain remains active. Many times you will find this is not possible especially with the lifestyles people are leading today. However, it is important if you are looking to have an easier time when you age. Simple things that are at our disposals such as video games and movies can be utilized effectively to help in this. Moderation is the key though ensure you don’t overdo the whole thing which may end up causing more harm than good. 


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