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Tuesday 15 October 2013

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Top 10 Weight Loss Mistakes To Avoid

The desire to maintain a good healthy weight makes you to opt for any weight loss program so that it shows quick results. Due to this you make a lot of common mistakes to gain quick weight loss. The top 10 weight loss mistakes that you should avoid are discussed below. Along with that store it in your mind that slow and steady wins the race. So be gradual to gain your objective for weight loss.
1.Relying on Crash Diets
When you start thinking to lose weight you first and foremost start eating a crash diet by skipping the main meal. Though crash diet offers you with weight loss at quick glance, but this is really not a good weight loss solution. It makes you starve and may result in a number of health risks. If you stop eating the crash diet after you had less weight it resets back you to gain more extra weight than what was before. This extreme dependence on crash diet makes your body burn glycogen; which is actually your stored body carbohydrate.
Tip: You can go for crash diets which are good and include apples, carrots, cabbage, etc. along with the proper meal.

2.Skipping Breakfast
Skipping breakfast is the most commonly myth that it will help a lot to lose weight, but the true fact is that it harms you more than just losing the extra weight. But it make you gain weight because you start eating fast food. The chances of many other side effects such as menstrual irregularity, low memory, osteoporosis, mood swings and heart disease are also raised.
Tip: Always have your breakfast. Some good breakfast food includes Fresh berries, Oatmeal, yogurt, almonds, granola, flaxseed, and boiled eggs.

3.Losing Track of Your Snacks
Yes, snacks cause you to gain more weight, but what you always think that the chips and some fried things are only snacks.
Tip: Snacks are not only chips, but the good snacks are fruits such as banana and apple. Try to think these things as your best snacks rather than the chips.

4.Loading Up on Low-Fat
If you load up on low fat, though it will help you to lose weight but will make your skin to flake away and also your hair start to fall.
Tip: Be sensible about choosing the fat that is good for you. Low fat food such as English muffins, yogurt, egg, crabs, etc.

5.Sipping Too Many Calories
Sipping or counting your calories is a negative aspect of yours, when you think that if I am going to eat this much of calories I will lose this much. But the true fact is that you should not calculate calories you are eating but eat the calories which you get from good food.
Tip: Good calorie foods are peanut butter, olive oil, avocados, salad, etc.

6.Drinking Too Little Water
Water is the most beneficial thing for your body. Many of you start drinking too little water thinking that it will make you lose weight. But the real fact is that it will make your body dehydrated.
Tip: Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily. If you can drink 10 glasses of water it is the best!!

7.Weighing Yourself Every Day
This is the extreme dangerous part you do when you think about losing weight. You weight daily, you think you are not losing weight then you accelerate yourself to starve.
Tip: Have a weight of yourself when you started your plan for weight loss. Then be patient. Weight yourself after 3-4 week of any diet plan. Even if it is doesn’t showing any low points, still be patient, it will show results slowly.

8.Avoiding Exercise
Exercise is the best thing when you think about weight loss. You may start from day 1 or 2 then stop doing the exercise. Then you go for the other option of starving yourself.
Tip: Just make a habit of have 30-45 min of walking daily.

9.Setting Unrealistic Goals
This is quite questionable point because if you are really obese then you are going to lose weight but not that much like a slim film-star.
Tip: Have a realistic goal point in your mind. Think of gaining a healthy weight not of slim weight.

10.Consuming artificial sweeteners
You tend to have artificial sweetener as your next alternative for the sugar, but the thing is that they are bad stuff if consumed regularly.
Tip: Tend to avoid artificial sweeteners in your daily drink.

If you want to lose your extra weight or fat to maintain your ideal weight for a long time, you should try to avoid these Top 10 weight loss mistakes.


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